Our partners
Saturday, 13 April 2013

Ministry of Youth, National Services, Sports and Culture (Government of Namibia)
P.A.Y. has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Namibia, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture (MYSC) stipulating that P.A.Y. programme is the sole proprietor of the public premises in Multi-Purpose Youth Centre, Katutura, for the next 20 years for the purpose of conducting after school activities. The memorandum ensures a stable and sustainable framework for our activities in Katutura township.
Video Tutor GmbH (Germany)
Video-Tutor is a German-based company that provides online educational support for IB Diploma Programmes which are compatible with the Namibian syllabi for secondary education. Video Tutor is operated by an international team of young academics, each bringing their own skills and style to the project. P.A.Y. has teamed up with Video Tutor to bring the multifarious benefits of eLearning to Katutura today and possibly other under-privileged townships of Namibia in the near future.
UK SPORT (United Kingdom)
UK Sports allows P.A.Y. to have summer interns, providing free labour to P.A.Y, which in turn is obliged to teach the students how to manage a successful development endeavour in the post-apartheid context. P.A.Y. has a leading organization status with UK Sports in Namibia, a benefit that implies a substantial fee.
Bicycle Empowerment Centre (BEN) Namibia
BEN Namibia and P.A.Y. Namibia have been sustaining a partnership for a number of years with a joint aim to empower disadvantaged Namibians through provision of sustainable transport and bicycle-related income generation opportunities.
Global Education Fund
Global Education Fund has endorsed P.A.Y. programme by providing teacher volunteers to "improve the lives of children living in poverty through education."
JP Inspiring Knowledge (Portugal)
In 2012, JP - Inspiring Knowledge, a Portugese company dedicated to the design of technology solutions, has donated 20 classmate PCs to P.A.Y. Thanks to JP we have set up a new computer lab with internet access, a key prerequsite for the implementation of our eLearning strategy.
Radio stations
Radio stations are endorsing P.A.Y. publicity for free since we would not be able to afford the commercial price. Among others, Radio 99 and Radio Wave which specifically targets affluent community, also give their competition prizes to P.A.Y. as a way of endorsement.